Heel Spur

Doctor’s Corner:

Heel Spur


Heel Spur can be correlated with VataKantaka in Ayurveda. This is a common cause of heel pain which is predominant at the age of 40 to 60. This condition occurs due to kapha dosha along with vata dosha. Vitiation of kapha leads to inflammation in the joint. Excess calcium deposition and spur formation occurs. Vitiated kapha blocks the normal path of the vata srothas. Because of these two vitiated doshas pain and inflammation occurs in the joint.

Habit of long walk
Over weight
Flat foot
Barefoot walk
Improper footwear


Spur can be asymptomatic
Intense pain after prolonged rest
More pain in the morning
Inability of bearing weight on the affected hee
Changes in walking pattern
Intermittent pain while walking and running
Slight numbness

Snigdha ruksha
Abhyanga ( local )
Sweda (ruksha)
Internal medicines
Raktamikshana ( acc to susgruta )
Agni karma
Proper rest
Yoga for mental reliefe



Treatment Case Study
Patient’s age – 45 yrs Sex – F
Presenting Complaint– Patient was complaining of acute pain in the heel area, especially in the morning when she get up.
The pain is aggravating after standing for long tims and after walkinhlong distance.
Treatment – Advised to undergo 14 days intensive therapy for the heel, including the internal medication , along with external applications and therapy.

Results – Pain reduced after 7days of intense Therapy. Patient was much better on the 7th Day and there was not much pain, acute pain in the morning is much better.Patient was advised to continue the treatment for further 7 days, along with the medicines. At the end of 14th day, there was no pain in the heel,she can walk comfortbly for long distances. Suggested patient to continue internal medicines for 3 months.

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