Frozen shoulder (Avabhahuka)

Doctor’s Corner:

Frozen shoulder (Avabhahuka)

Apabahuka is a disease that usually affects the Amsa sandhi (shoulder joint). It is produced by vata dosha according to Acharya Sushruta .


Amsa shosha (wasting of the shoulder) can be considered as the preliminary stage of the disease where loss or dryness od shleshaka kapha from amsa sandhi occurs. The next stage that is Apabahuka, occurs due to loss of shelashaka kapha and symptoms like pain during the movement, restricted movement and so on are manifested. As per the Madhukosha teeka (commentary) it is mentioned that the Amsa shosha ia produced by the dhatushaya (depletion of body tissues),that is due to vata and Apabahuka is due to vata and Kapha.




Due to injury of vital parts (Marma)
Exercises involving too much of shoulder joint.
Carrying heavy loads over the shoulder
Wrestling with more powerful person
Improper posture

Nasyam ( nasal drops)
Abhyangam( medicated oil massage )

Lepam ( herbal paste application)

Dhara ( pouring of herbal oils over the shoulder joint )

Sneha pana ( consuming medicated ghee or oils )

Along with the therapy internal medicines play a vital role in trating the condition

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